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Ultimate Guide to Parkinson’s Disease Treatment

Ultimate Guide to Parkinson’s Disease Treatment

Did you know the acclaimed Hollywood actor who we all know as Marty McFly from Back to The Future – Michael J. Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at the age of 29! Michael went on to hide his illness from the public for years and went on working in successful TV shows and movies even winning awards. During the third season of his hit TV show ‘Spin City’, he could no longer hide the illness and revealed his diagnosis to the general public. It shook the entire world.

But this did not stop Michael J. Fox. Like a superstar (which he is) he turned around his circumstances. He made the sourest lemon life has to offer and turning into lemonade. He fought his disease and launched the world’s largest non-profit Funder for Parkinson’s.

Michael’s story is one of overcoming challenges in the face of adversity, but what can we learn from it?

  1. Look for early signs – Fox’s story teaches us to detect early symptoms like tremors, stiffness and loss of smell so we can take action on it.
  2. Optimism and Resilience- “If you don’t master your circumstances you’re bound to be mastered by them” – which is reflected in Fox’s story. We must be optimistic and focus on what’s in our control. Your thinking plays a significant role in managing a chronic illness.
  3. Importance of contribution and research – His story highlights the value of giving back and turning adversity into something good. He encouraged research and awareness so we can find its cure which will help us all.
  4. Adaptability – like I said he didn’t succumb to his circumstances and adapted around them and still led a good life
  5. Lifestyle and exercise – In his book and documentary, exercise and lifestyle are crucial parts of his everyday life.

What is Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s is a disorder that slowly creeps into your nervous system and with time attacks the neurons. This causes symptoms like stiffness, tremors, and problems with imbalance. It disrupts whole-body movements and can cause fatigue, mood changes and sleep problems.

What happens in the brain?

Dopamine Loss: Parkinson’s Disease mainly damages the brain region substantia nigra, which produces dopamine. Think of dopamine as your brain’s move conductor and by the time we notice the symptoms, most people have already lost 60 to 80% of these cells.

Norepinephrine Loss: Parkinson’s also causes a halt in the body’s automatic functions and bloop pressure, which results in dizziness and exhaustion.

Mysterious Protein clumps: Damaged brain cells in PD contain something like Lewy Bodies, which are not usual visitors to our brains. We are still unsure how this affects Parkinson’s Disease, and scientists are still researching it.

What are the causes of Parkinson’s Disease?

It is still unclear why we get Parkinson’s. Results show it is most likely linked to environmental and genetic factors.

  1. Genetic Factors: Parkinson’s Disease can be traced back to genetics and in rare cases, it could be due to genes of parents. Most Parkinson’s cases have no family history.
  2. Environmental Triggers: There are certain environmental factors which may make us vulnerable to PD in genetically predisposed individuals:
    • Harmful chemicals: Long-term exposure to chemicals such as rotenone, paraquat and Agent Orange is linked to Parkinson’s. These chemicals damage our dopamine-producing neurons.
    • Heavy metals: Manganese, lead, or copper exposure can lead to Parkinson’s (ex: industrial work).
    • Air pollution: Fine particulate matter may trigger neuroinflammation
    • Head Trauma: Constant head injury is linked with higher risk of Parkinson’s in future

Other Factors:

The risk of getting a PD increases with age mostly after 60. However, in rare cases, it can happen before 20.

Men are 1.5 X more likely to develop Parkinson’s than women due to hormonal or lifestyle differences.

Emerging data suggests that Parkinson’s may start with the gut and then spread to the brain. Gut microbiome disturbances may trigger inflammation or produce toxins that harm neurons.

  • Lifestyle: Poor diet and chronic stress may contribute to this.
  • Vitamin D Deficiency: some studies show low vitamin D levels may increase PD risk

Key takeaway: Figuring out Parkinson’s cause is complex. It can be a mix of genetics, environment, and ageing. There’s still not enough research on why some develop Parkinson’s and others don’t. While it’s incurable as of now, having a good lifestyle, a good diet, and reducing toxins exposure may lower the risk.

Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

Everyone experiences Parkinson’s differently but there are some common signs to look for:

Motor Symptoms

  • Tremor – tremor is unwanted and uncontrolled shakiness in hands, legs, and jaw it’s not constant but can happen anytime
  • Stiffness – Muscles lose flexibility and can get difficult to control
  • Slowness – Everyday tasks can become a hard chore, and simple tasks may be difficult. Faces my lose expressions
  • Balance Issues – sudden freeze mid-step, difficulty moving forward

Non-Motor Symptoms (Beyond Movement):

  • Mood and Mind – can make you depressed and anxious even before the tremors start.
  • Autonomic Issues – Low Blood pressure when standing, constipation.
  • Sleep Struggles – Insomnia, daytime fatigue and acting out dreams.
  • Pain and Fatigue – Muscle cramps, joint pain and energy loss.
  • Other changes – Trouble swallowing, difficulty speaking, excessive sweating, or oily/dry skin

Living with Parkinson’s

Symptoms usually start on one side of the body and later spread. Progression varies for each person, some live decades with mild symptoms, while others decline faster (like Michael J. Fox).

  • Daily Challenges: basic tasks like eating, dressing and speaking become difficult over time. Falls and clumsiness become frequent with the loss of balance.
  • Dementia Risk: there is a little risk of developing dementia in later stages.

Treatment of  Parkinson’s Disease


The test for Parkinson’s requires a sophisticated process of examining medical history, and neurological conditions and cancelling out other conditions.


It helps boost dopamine in the brain which is responsible for smooth motor movements. It also helps to reduce tremors and stiffness, but long-term use may cause uncontrolled movements, which is dyskinesis.

Side effects: Nausea, hallucinations and sudden meds can wear off

Dopamine Agonist

It is something that roleplays as dopamine and is used with levodopa early on.

Side effects: Compulsive Behaviours, Drowsiness and Swelling

MAO-B/COMT Inhibitors

Reduces the “off periods” – symptoms after sudden stopping of meds

Side effects: Insomnia, liver monitoring and Diarrhea

Other Drugs:

  • Anticholinergics – reduces tremors but causes dry mouth and confusion
  • Amantadine – helps ease dyskinesia for short-term
  • Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) – involves sending electric currents to a part of the brain that we want to activate.

Lifestyle and support

Diet, exercise, therapy and support groups can be a major help in managing symptoms.

Key takeaways:

Treatment = levodopa + other meds + surgery (if needed) + lifestyle changes.

Exercise and support groups are a major help in managing the symptoms.

Do natural/alternative treatments for Parkinson’s work?

It is advisable to consult with your doctors first before you opt for natural/alternative treatments. While it is not a complete cure for Parkinson’s it could be a huge help in managing symptoms. Most natural remedies focus on Lifestyle, diet, exercise, and Mindfulness to treat the symptoms.

Whether Natural/alternative treatments for Parkinson’s work depends on the person. It’s Ideal to see what works best for us and combine the main treatment with a natural treatment.

Here are Four Parkinson’s disease natural treatment

Nutrition supplements

Low vitamin and mineral levels can be cured through nutritional supplements. They prevent health deterioration and reduce Parkinson’s symptoms.

Psychical therapies

exercise and movement are crucial in managing the symptoms of Parkinson’s.

Music Therapy

There is strong evidence that playing or listening to music lights up multiple parts of our brain. This can help in Parkinson’s with motor functions by boosting brain activity.

Ayurveda for Parkinson’s disease

There is strong emerging evidence that Ayurveda can significantly help with Parkinson’s. It is becoming the most searched treatment for Parkinson’s.

Best Parkinson’s disease treatment in Kerala

What better than God’s Own country? As they say, Kerala is also the birthplace of Ayurveda. All your Parkinson’s needs will be met with the beautiful serene setup of Kerala. Ayurveda not only focuses on treating the body but also the mind and soul making it a well-rounded holistic approach. Tharavad Ayurveda Retreat provides expertise and utmost care to meet all your needs and lead a better life!

Why Choose Tharavad Ayurveda Retreat?

Expertise in Ayurveda

Our doctors and practitioners are highly competent at what they do, providing expert knowledge and timeless wisdom.

Natural and Holistic Focus

We believe in getting better by healing Holistically and naturally. Treatments help with both motor and non-motor symptoms (Tremors, Depression, anxiety, digestion issues). The method of treatment is through herbs, therapies, and lifestyle adjustments.

God’s Own Country

Kerala’s Charming backwaters and greenery provide a mental escape to our routine, perfect for play and mental rejuvenation and also some good cinema.

Ayurvedic Treatments for Parkinson’s

Herbal Formulations: Ayurveda helps in increasing dopamine (which is why our motor functions get affected).

Mucuna Pruriens

Natural source of Levodopa which accelerates dopamine making


  • Reduces tremors, bradykinesia and stiffness, managing the motor functions.
  • Fewer Side effects than synthetic levodopa like dyskinesia.
  • Contains antioxidants that protect neurons from oxidative damage.
  • Usage: seeds and extracts that are described in limited doses


Adaptogen – a plant-based substance that helps the body with stress by restoring balance and helping in adapting to stressors

Nerve tonic: a substance that helps to calm the nervous system to treat anxiety or irritability.


  • Reduced stress and cortisol levels, improving mental clarity
  • Protects brain cells from inflammation.


Role: Helps in maintaining cognitive abilities


  • Improves memory, focus and speech
  • Calms anxiety and helps with depression

Turmeric (Curcuma longa)


  • Anti-inflammatory helps in reducing brain inflammation
  • May reduce alpha-synuclein protein clumping

Panchakarma Therapies

Panch – In Sanskrit means – five and karma in Sanskrit means- Action. In this context, it is a very powerful 5 treatment plan which believes that the human is made up of 5 elements- Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. These 5 combine to make the 3 Doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. According to Ayurveda, any disease is the result of an imbalance in these three doshas. Everybody can regain balance through this.

  • Abhyanga – The body is massaged with special oils. It relaxes stiff muscles.
  • Shirodhara – The word ‘Shirodhara’ literally means in Sanskrit ‘headflow’ is constantly pouring oil into the forehead. It helps in relaxing the nervous system, and in reducing tremors and anxiety.
  • Basti – Basti is one of the more important treatments in Panchakarma. It gets Herbal extractions to the colon through our rectum. It helps balance Vata Dohsa, constipation strengthens muscles and improves mobility.
  • Nasya – It is one of the most important processes of The Panchkarma. In this process, the medicated oils are passed through the nostrils. It helps in improving speech and cognition.

Holistic Therapies:

  • Yoga: Focuses on mind and body, it helps in coordination, and flexibility and calms anxiety.
  • Diet: Encouraging warm, healthy, and digestible meals. Incorporate traditional Indian diet like ghee, nuts and spices.
  • Mindfulness: Incorporating everyday meditation and pranayama helps in focus, reducing anxiety and emotional stability. It is also a habit that enhances overall quality of life.

Why does this work?

  • Clinically proven: Ashwagandha and Mucuna have shown promise in treating Parkinson’s in clinical trials.
  • No side effects: Natural therapies have significantly fewer side effects than synthetic drug use in the long term.
  • Holistic approach: By having a holistic approach we make sure the effects are long-term and ensure overall well-being.


Tharavad’s Ayurvedic Treatment for Parkinson’s is evidence-based. It has little to no side effects with our promise of excellence in everything we do. It can help in slow progression and improve quality of life. The core value here is addressing the root cause which is imbalance. By holistic healing, patients regain physical mobility and mental peace.

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